Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Febrowary is upon us!

So Febrowary has began!  Good luck growing out your unibrows and raising money for charity.

The first famous unibrow I will showcase is the one above the eyes of beloved Sesame Street character, Bert.  Bert is kind and smart but is also easily frustrated.  He is perhaps best known for his performance in Bert and Ernie skits, and for being President of the National Association of W Lovers, a group passionate about the letter 'W'.  Bert enjoys watching pigeons and has several pet goldfish.
Most importantly, he sports a long black unibrow, in stark contrast to Ernie who has no eyebrows at all.

May Bert's unibrow inspire us all!
(also in the video is Bert's nephew Brad who, of course, has a unibrow as well)


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